Fr. 27 April 2012 | Butoh Performances mit Gyohei Zaitzu & Maki Watanabe im "Nuage Fou"

Butoh Performances am Freitag 27. April 2012 um 20h

"I fall in love with the moon" Gyohei Zaitzu
"Eternal Season" Maki Watanabe

 Eintritt: 10 €/ 8 € ermäßigt

Im "Nuage Fou", Theater für Butoh-Tanz & Kunst 
Companie "Nuage Fou" | Lutherkirchstr. 1 | 79106 Freiburg
Straßenbahn: Linie 5 | Haltestelle: Friedrich-Ebert-Platz
Infos: Lucie Betz | | Tel: 0049 (0)761 1373504

Butoh Workshops am Sa 28. & So 29. April 2012 
Butoh Dance Research Workshop with Gyohei Zaitsu
...In the workshop, we will make a research with our own body inspired by their point of view on the human body and on the relationship between the body and its environment. Each participant will observe his own body as a unique space of laboratory where any kind of movements can happen and go through. I hope that we can touch the mystery of our being through the dance and that a new dance and a new Butohdance will be born through our actions. Gyohei Zaitzu